Monday, July 29, 2024

Politics... run!

 I know, I know, we aren't supposed to talk about politics. We are supposed to silently judge the "others' that do not think like us, and rant to our friends who do about "them" and so on. And it's really, really hard to not get super angry and use up a bunch of energy when we see inflammatory posts from those who don't follow the 'we aren't supposed to talk about politics' rule. 

This morning I saw a comment on a facebook page item that instantly made me hopping mad and outrageously incensed. It was a post about the DNC convention on a NC page and the jist of the comment was Dems should die and the president is a corpse and the vice is a DEI hire. Which btw, I had to look up the other day and I am apalled. I instantly started to respond to the comment with a fiery 'kiss your mother with that mouth?' post and then I realized I wasn't commenting as me... I was commenting as my business page, and hmmm, while I wouldn't want that scumbag to ever have any part of my business, it's probably not great to show all that anger on a peaceful site. So, I backspaced... and unfollowed the newsite that is clearly not unbiased and walked away. 

There's a story about 2 monks happening upon a women who desperately needed to cross a river. 1 monk picked her up and carried her across. The other monk, as they were continuing on their path, commented, "you know we aren't supposed to touch women, why did you carry her across the river?" The kind monk responded, "I let her down a while ago, why are you still carrying her?"

Sigh. What do we do with all this? How do we put it down? When it's so outrageous, it's so juicy, it's so inflammatory and offensive. What do we do?

I try and remain above it on my witness perch. I know intellectually, spiritually, rationally, emotionally that it serves no purpose. Scumbag is scumbag no matter what I say. And if I say anything, a dozen other scumbags will jump in, making Mr. Scumbag feel victorious. Not scumbags will also jump in and before you know it, it will be a ridiculous pointless exercise in futility.

But. WTH? Sometimes, in my witness perch, I miss stuff. I put up a post the other day about my olympic flag, and someone commented that I should burn it. WHAT??? How can we be against the Olympics? Am I cuckoo? So, I do a little research and find the most asinine bullshit about how the Olympics are mocking Jesus. 

Lordy. Posted by a woman who thinks Donald Dump is the next messiah. Seriously. 

It's really hard not to react. I try to react with quiet wisdom and not alot of words so we don't confuse the feeble minded... ooops... I mean, I try and find the truth and post it. simply. But I would like to go slap the silly goose. But she is not alone.

I posted a picture of Kamala Harris with a simple slogan "I'm with her". Stupid comments later but I felt like it is important to not be afraid of stupidity, and that if I say this is what I'm doing, maybe one person who is on the fence will look into considering doing the same. I instantly got text messages and pms from closet supporters who don't want to "be political but are so incensed about the hatred but don't want to fight with their best friends who called them an idiot when they said they might vote for ..."

Hmmm. Your best friend called you an idiot so you are afraid to support a reasonable candidate? Hmmm. Maybe it's time to get a new best friend? Of course, that begins the WHO WOULD LOSE A FRIEND OVER POLITICS? thread.  Is it politics or the fact that your friend called you an idiot because you don't think like them?

Can you tell I've sort of had it with all of it? The righteousness, the hypocrisy, the pc ness, the stunned/slammed into silence, all of it.  But alas, I do know that it's all just a mirror. We have to look at why we are angry. Why we want to fight. Why does a good rant feel so good? Why do I need to feel superior? Why is it they are so stupid? Oooops, that snuck in.

I really do send love and peace to all, and hope that sanity will prevail. But in the meantime, I'll be looking at the ocean, working my healing grids and laying as low as my Aries fire will allow.

Peace y'all.

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