Thursday, July 28, 2022

Cray Cray People Church

 I love what I do. I love seeing my wonderful clients and friends. I truly would live here year round...


People cray cray.

I get here on Saturday after a 8 hour trip, with a chocked full schedule for a week. I love that my schedule is chocked full. I get to see lots of people, connect and share Reiki, and breathe deeply with others, really an irreplaceable joy.

My first task was a Reiki attunement on Sunday with some new Level 2's and some dear old friends. I get to the studio early to set up. I'm excited, as always, because attunement is great energy. I also have 3 more appointments that day with really interesting clients that I love to talk with. It was destined to be a great day, even with an 8 hour 95 hangover.

I bebop into our storage closet to get the tables to set up the altar and screech to a stop. Ummm. All of my stuff has been moved to one side, stacked precariously on top of everything, to the point that I can't begin to even get to my tables, let alone my cabinets, shelves or sink. WTF? I've had this storage area for over 10 years. In place of my stuff is a bunch of Christmas decorations. Ummmm. In July we are moving Christmas decorations? In front of and in place of my stuff? Again, WTF?

But, I am busy. I have people coming. Can't think about that now, I'll think of it tomorrow ala Scarlett O'Hara. I drag a very heavy table from another room and proceed with my day. I text the elder in charge of buildings and grounds and inform him of the situation. 

Monday comes. I hear nothing. But. I'm busy. Got no time to think about how I cannot access any of my stuff. I make do. And frankly I'm sad. I could've just called the reverend and he would have listened and reacted... but he had to go and die on us. And there's no one in charge now. I miss him so much. It's really hard being there without him. I just move on...

But then at 4am Tuesday morning I am shocked awake. WTF???? Who DOES this??? No notice, no questions asked, just go into someone's space and decide it is now your space? Not only moving my stuff but actually getting rid of some of my stuff??? Are you kidding me????

Oh dear. Now I'm mad. My brain starts spinning with all the other times this kind of nonsense has occurred. Something that would've taken a simple phone call or email "hey, we are really in need of space, could you help a brother out?" Yeah. I'm reasonable, I could help a Christian out... humpf. Christian being the in-operative word. I stew and stew and then finally say to myself, "ok, you've been here before, what is the solution?" Not taking the stuff and throwing it in the road... not setting fire to the place (lol, I am an Aries you know) but yeah, what would a reasonable adult do in this situation? Especially since I seem to be the only one....

So, I get up (fricking 5:15am) and proceed to write a very carefully worded email to the powers that be requesting future advance notice if they are going to suddenly take away anything that was designated as Imagine space for 10 fricking years. I then go over to the studio (fricking 8am) and proceed to remove EVERYTHING that is Imagine's from the space. Why? Welp, if they can move and throw away my stuff without any notice, I cannot trust that it won't continue. And, if they need the space, have at it-- it's a creepy rodent infested un-air conditioned/heated space with spider webs all over it. Go for it. AND the irony?  Most of the stuff isn't mine anyway... it was left behind from ghosts of the past. 

Sigh. After 3 very sweaty days, I got it all out. I notified my staff of the new spaces for our paper products and cleaning supplies. I put all the theater stuff in the theater shed and gave the new youth pastor the key-- she's a sweetie who was a theater kid so I left it in good hands. I removed mountains of trash, have mountains of stuff in a free giveaway pile and even donated some Christmas stuff to the pile of stuff that removed my stuff. 

Actually, I feel pretty good about it, and here's what I really feel proud of: I didn't remove the duct tape holding the door open so they can get into their stuff since the old doorknob has never worked. I mean, I could've.... but I didn't.

Even though I have yet to have any response to my email to the powers that be. Lordy.... shocking, isn't it?

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